SUBJECT: BRANDING Democrats as Defund the Police, Anti-Police, and Soft on Crime
My purpose in writing this weekly Paul Revere Lantern to you and other grassroots conservative leaders is to give you ideas, information, material, and encouragement for you to provide the energy and leadership that’s missing from most national and state Republican and conservative leaders. When I pioneered political direct mail/marketing for conservatives in the 1960s-1970s, Big Corporate Media was biased against conservatives. Of course, today the bias is far, far worse. However, the new and alternative media (mail, talk radio, cable TV, the Internet) has allowed us conservatives to bypass Big Corporate Media and go right into our fellow Americans homes and BRAND the Democrats with the message that they want to turn America into a socialist/Marxist country and abolish Western Civilization. YOU are the leader you and America needs and has been waiting for. Your leadership can take many forms. You can blog, tweet, retweet, have a podcast, run for public office, become active and a leader in the Republican Party, volunteer for a key role in a conservative nonprofit organization or a political campaign, etc., etc. You can also use new and alternative media to forward articles, videos, eBooks, etc. to your family, friends, neighbors, and others. Why is this needed? Because the Big Corporate Media and the leadership of every other major institution in America has signed on to the socialist/Marxist agenda. They all want to keep the American people in the dark and if conservatives like you don’t help educate your family, friends, neighbors, and others, they won’t learn the truth that national Democrats are ANTI: God, America, police, and FOR: open borders, indoctrination of school children, and socialism. |
TO: Grassroots Conservative Leaders
FROM: Richard A. Viguerie
DATE: August 26, 2022
RE: 2nd Paul Revere Lantern
SUBJECT: BRANDING Democrats as Defund the Police, Anti-Police, and Soft on Crime
Most Democrat candidates are concerned that they and the Democrat Party will be seen as supporting the Defund the Police movement and be blamed for the massive increase in crime in Democrat controlled cities.
Click here for a report labeled Democrat Anti-Police and Soft on Crime Information. Each article links to a source that contains information stating facts as to how Democrat politicians support, condone, encourage, and help the anti-police movement, which of course is responsible for the major increases in crime in America.
One of the first things you need to do as a Paul Revere Lantern leader is to build an email list including postal addresses whenever possible, phone numbers, and even fax numbers if available.
Who should be on your list?
Actually, you should have two lists. List A is those people you know to be conservative. List B is those who you do not know to be conservative—they may be Democrats or you just don’t know their leanings.
As to who should be on your list, here are some suggestions, and in all cases include their spouses if any.
Nieces and Nephews
People from your church
People you socialize with (golf, tennis, book club, garden club, etc.)
Classmates from school
People on your Christmas Card list
Etc., etc.
Liberals are quick to often and loudly share with one and all their views and values. Conservatives also need to share with others your vision and values. Get lots of bumper stickers that support your political views; put one or two on your car and give the others to those who share your views.
Now that you have your two lists, here are some ways to use the information on the attachment.
1. Send or give items that you think your audience would benefit from receiving.
2. Mention that you will be sending them occasional information about important issues. Suggest that if they like what you send them, consider forwarding it to others. Sending material to 50 people on your list can be responsible for hundreds more receiving the material, simply because of the ripple effect of others forwarding your material.
3. Here’s some ideas about language you can use when forwarding material:
a. Here’s a short video I recently saw, and I thought you might also find it interesting.”
b. “I recently read this article. It made a lot of sense to me, what do you think?”
c. “Someone sent me a couple of articles recently that I really liked, and I want to share them with you.”
d. Etc., etc.
4. Consider starting a blog. You can do it on a regular basis or whenever you have the time. You can focus on one or two issues or write about whatever is on your mind. Once you start a blog, you’ll almost certainly have people on your list who like it so much they’ll forward it onto others, and you’ll have your own ripple effect, and the number of people receiving your blog can increase into the thousands.
5. Always give people an opportunity to opt-out and of course always honor their requests.
6. When it’s appropriate, engage them in conversation about the material you’re sending them. This can be in person, on the phone, via email, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
There are many issues that frighten Democrat candidates, but for the average Democrat the number one issue they fear is being labeled as anti-police, defund the police, soft on crime. This issue more than any other, if it sticks to the Democrats, can cause them to become so toxic that they can never win the Congress or the White House again.
Days after the November 2020 election, Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., made the following comments after she narrowly won her district. “From a congressional standpoint, it was a failure. We lost members we shouldn’t have lost…We have to commit to not saying the words “defund the police” ever again…If we don’t mean we should defund the police, we shouldn’t say that…We need to not ever use the words “socialist” or “socialism” ever again.”
Click here for a list of items, articles, and videos for you to use when talking with family, friends, and others about the Democrats connection to the anti-police movement and the huge increase in crime because of that movement.
Also, at our website are the results of last week’s survey on national Republican leaders, as well as a new survey for grassroots conservative leaders.
P.S. If you want to help get millions of conservatives at the grassroots level information, materials, etc., for them to use to educate family, friends, neighbors, and others, then rush a donation to FedUp PAC today by clicking here. This could lead to 100,000,000 voters getting information that was kept from them by Big Corporate Media.
Paid for by FedUp PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |