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Conservative Action Project: Republicans Must Reject Spending Policies of Biden, Schumer and Pelosi

The conservative leaders who are members of the Conservative Action Project have issued the following Memo for the Movement entitled "Conservatives Must Reject The Spending

Policies of Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, & Nancy Pelosi." The Capitol Switchboard is (202-224-3121), call today and tell your Senators and Representative that under no circumstances should conservatives acquiesce to the spending levels and policies of Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi – and that is exactly what the “clean” Continuing Resolution proposed by Speaker McCarthy and Leader McConnell would do.

August 30, 2023

Washington, DC

When Congress returns to Washington in a few short weeks, they will immediately take up a spending fight before government funding expires on September 30.

Neither the House nor the Senate has passed the required appropriations bills, which means a short-term extension of funding – a Continuing Resolution – will be required. This is a critical “must pass” leverage point, and conservatives must use it to disrupt the Washington Swamp’s playbook to force reforms to Democrats’ failed policies.

Under no circumstances should conservatives acquiesce to the spending levels and policies of Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi – and that is exactly what the “clean” Continuing Resolution proposed by Speaker McCarthy and Leader McConnell would do. Worse, such an extension to early December would set the stage for yet another year-end, budget busting omnibus spending bill. This is unacceptable.

No spending bills should pass Congress without desperately needed policy reforms attached that secure the border, end the weaponization of federal law enforcement, and stop the woke cancer that has infected the Pentagon.

Conservatives are ready with reforms. If congressional Democrats would rather shut down the government than secure America, then congressional Republicans must take that fight head-on.


The Honorable Edwin Meese III

Attorney General

President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)

The Honorable Jim DeMint

Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute and Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013)

The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell

Chairman, Conservative Action Project

Chairman, CNP Action, Inc.

Kevin Roberts, Ph.D.


The Heritage Foundation

The Honorable Tony Perkins


Family Research Council

Ed Corrigan

Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project and President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute

David N. Bossie


Citizens United

L. Brent Bozell III

Founder and President

Media Research Center

Cleta Mitchell, Esq.

Senior Legal Fellow

Conservative Partnership Institute

The Honorable Russ Vought


Center for Renewing America

Rebecca Weber

CEO, Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)

Mike Berry

General Counsel and Director of External Affairs, First Liberty Institute

Chad Connelly

Founder and President

Faith Wins

Andy Roth


State Freedom Caucus Network

The Honorable Bob McEwen

U.S. House of Representatives

Former Member, Ohio

Lori Roman


ACRU Action Fund

Alfred S. Regnery


Republic Book Publishers

The Honorable Mary Vought

Executive Director

Senate Conservatives Fund

Scott T. Parkinson

Vice President for Government Affairs

Club for Growth

The Honorable Ken Cuccinelli II

Sr. Fellow

Center for Renewing America

Floyd G. Brown


The Western Journal

Willes K. Lee

Board of Directors

National Rifle Association of America

Richard Hayes

State Representative

State of Texas

Michelle Easton

President, Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women

The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.

Managing Editor

The Honorable Peter J. Thomas


The Conservative Caucus

Patricia Hurst

The Honorable Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D.

Former Congressman

1st District of Kansas

Rick Rounsavelle



The Honorable Diana Denman

Reagan Presidential Appointee

Reagan Administration

Gerard Kassar

State Chairman

NYS Conservative Party

Elaine Donnelly


Center for Military Readiness

Thomas Pyle


American Energy Alliance

Robert K. Fischer

Meeting Coordinator

Conservatives of Faith

Allen Hebert


American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston

Jack Park

Conservative Activist and Donor

Lt. Col. Darin Gaub, USA (Ret.)


Restore Liberty

Rick Green

Founder & President

Patriot Academy

The Honorable Jed Davis

State Representative

Illinois House of Representatives

Joan Holt Lindsey


Lindsey Communications

Augusta H. Petrone


Reagan/Bush '84 Campaign, Iowa

The Honorable Mike Hill

Former Member

Florida State Representative

Suanne Edmiston

State Director, Arizona

State Freedom Caucus Network

Ralph A. Rebandt, II


Michigan Lighthouse Ministries

Kristen A. Ullman


Eagle Forum

Kimberly Good

President & CIO

KCG Investment Advisory

The Honorable Justine Wadsack

Member (District 17)

Arizona State Senate

The Honorable Laurin Hendrix

Member (District 14)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Barbara Parker

Member (District 10)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Cory McGarr

Member (District 17)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Jacqueline Parker

Member (District 15)

Arizona House of Representatives

Ambassador Henry F. Cooper

Pres. Reagan’s Defense and Space Negotiator and Former SDI Director

Shea Bradley-Farrell, PhD

President, Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research and Education

The Honorable Brooke Rollins

President and CEO

America First Policy Institute (AFPI)

Jenny Beth Martin


Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund

The Honorable David McIntosh


Club for Growth

William L. Walton

The Bill Walton Show

Resolute Protector Foundation

David Bozell



The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.

Chief Domestic Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)

Bob Carlstrom


AMAC Action

The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Advancing American Freedom

Thomas E. McClusky


Greenlight Strategies, LLC

Myron Ebell

Senior Fellow, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop

White House Advisor

President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)

The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell


The Leadership Institute

Tom Jones


American Accountability Foundation

Terry Schilling


American Principles Project

Wesley Denton

Chief Operating Officer

Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)

Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.)

Executive Vice President

Family Research Council

Seton Motley


Less Government

Kevin Freeman


NSIC Institute

Kelly M. Kullberg

Senior Advisor, American Association of Evangelicals (AAE)

David B. Kullberg

Executive Director, Christians for A Sustainable Economy (CASE)

Anne Schlafly


Eagle Forum

Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Founder and CEO

Judson Phillips

Founder, Tea Party Nation

Collin Moseley

State Director, Illinois

State Freedom Caucus Network

Nick Kerin

State Director, Pennsylvania

State Freedom Caucus Network

E.C. Sykes

General Partner

Aslan Ventures

Frank Pavone

National Director

Priests for Life

Richard Manning


Americans for Limited Government

Saulius "Saul" Anuzis


60 Plus Association

James L. Martin


60 Plus Association

Evan Newman

State Director, South Carolina

State Freedom Caucus Network

Tim Macy


Gun Owners of America

The Honorable Charles J. Cooper

Assistant Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)

Cooper & Kirk, PLLC

The Honorable Gary L. Bauer


American Values

Nancy Schulze

Founder, CEO

RCW Speakers

Tom DeWeese


American Policy Center

Preston Hawkins


Herbert Hawkins Company

Joseph Miller

Executive Director

Citizens for Renewing America

Allen Unruh


National Abstinence Clearinghouse

Ron Pearson

Executive Director

Conservative Victory Fund

Paavo Ensio


Universal Minerals Group

The Honorable Jake Hoffman

Member (District 15)

Arizona State Senate

The Honorable Austin Smith

Member (District 29)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Beverly Pingerelli

Member (District 28)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Justin Heap

Member (District 10)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Joseph Chaplik

Member (District 3)

Arizona House of Representatives

The Honorable Mike Wolfe

Former Harris County Texas School Trustee

Paul Gessing


Rio Grande Foundation

  • government spending

  • appropriations bills

  • Continuing resolution

  • Speaker Kevin McCarthy

  • ominbus spending bill

  • secure the border

  • Nancy Pelosi

  • Chuck Schumer

  • government shutdown

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