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Bob Mills

Inside is the Democrats’ agenda if they win the White House and Congress.

Lantern #59 -- October 22, 2024

Good Afternoon Conservative Leader/Activist,

For today’s Lantern, I’m sending you my latest Monthly Marketing Memo, #50, which focuses on the most important issue of 2024.

It’s about the Democrats’ true goal in 2024.  What might be their last opportunity to fundamentally change America into a socialist/Marxist country.

Please forward this email to everyone you know, family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others today.

Here’s why; all the Democrats need is four more years in the White House and Congress and they will succeed in turning America into a socialist/Marxist country – one we will not be able to turn around and save.



TO:     Key Conservative Leaders

FROM:     Richard A. Viguerie

DATE:     October 18, 2024

SUBJECT:     50th Monthly Marketing Memo


Yes, the economy, inflation, open borders, crime, foreign threats (China, Iran, Russia, etc.), taxes, traditional moral values, abortion, judicial appointments, support for Israel are all vitally and critically important.

However, there is an issue more important than all of the above combined.

The 300-pound gorilla in this election that is undiscussed by most all conservative columnists, radio/TV commentators, candidates for public office, conservative and Republican leaders—IS

Democrats are driving hard for—A ONE-PARTY SOCIALIST/MARXIST AMERICA.



If Democrats have total control of government for the next four years, they will change laws, cheat, rig, steal, practice lawfare, allow illegals to vote—so that Republicans will never again win a national election.

If you’re a never-Trumper and are a conservative, Republican, person of faith, Libertarian, Independent, and are very unhappy, even angry with Trump for whatever reason, you need to carefully and prayerfully read on.

Give the Democrats another four years in the White House with majorities in Congress and they will:

  • Continue their open border/no border policies.

  • 3+ million non-English speaking illegals will arrive yearly expecting lots of freebies.

  • Abolish voter ID (already California and 13 other states do not require voter ID when voting).

  • Make it illegal to question a person’s qualifications to vote, as Democrats have recently done in California.

  • Everyone will be automatically registered to vote (already at least 24 states and Washington, D.C. have implemented automatic voter registration systems).

  • All 18-year-olds will be mailed an election ballot.

  • Federal elections will be financed by the government—no private donations will be allowed.

  • Abolish the 1st Amendment so the news and social media will be censored and controlled by the government (Hillary Clinton, October 5, 2024, “…if they don't moderate and monitor the content, [social media] we lose total control.”).

  • Abolish the Electoral College (Tim Walz, October 8, 2024, “…the Electoral College needs to go.”).

  • Pack the Supreme Court.

  • Term limit Supreme Court Justices.

  • There will no longer be an election day—there will be an election season—September, October, and November.

  • Re-issue Executive Order 14019 (from March 7, 2021), ordering 600 Federal government agencies to register voters. You can be certain they will not be registering Republicans.  This has never been done in American history—it’s not the role of the Federal government.

  • Continue to pressure Big Media and Big Tech to censor news the Democrats don’t like (Mark Zuckerberg admits he faced ‘government pressure’ to ‘censor’ content).

  • Continue passing out hundreds of billions of dollars of COVID relief money to thousands of leftwing nonprofits as they have since 2021 under the leadership of Democrat strategist John Podesta.

  • Increase the use of lawfare. This is where they use thousands of government lawyers to sue effective conservatives for the purpose of bankrupting them, taking their law license away, destroying their business, imprisoning when possible as they have with: Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Rudy Giuliani, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro, John Eastman, and others.

  • Increase the number of election drop boxes in Democrat areas. This “temporary” election change was pushed by Democrats in 2020 under the guise of protecting voters from COVID.

  • Democrat controlled Department of Justice officials will continue to sue states run by Republicans to stop their attempts to clean voter rolls by removing illegals, dead citizens, and those who have moved.

  • End the filibuster in the U.S. Senate, removing the ability to stop bad legislation and any need for compromise or middle ground, to enact their radical agenda.

  • Admit the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as America’s 51st and 52nd states, designed to secure four permanent Senate seats and several more House seats.

There is no copyright on this list or this letter.  Feel free to reproduce it any way you want, including taking my name off and adding your name.

Those conservatives/Republicans who are so upset with Trump that they think if the Democrats win this election, it’s not a big deal because the pendulum will swing back, and Republicans will win the next election.

Dream on, child.  You’re not seeing the obvious.  Democrats will never, ever allow any opponent to win again.

On October 30, 2008, Senator Barack Obama said, “We are 5 days away from fundamentally changing America.”  Democrats are serious about fundamentally abolishing our Constitutional Republic and replacing it with socialism/Marxism.

ATTENTION—any conservative, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or Democrat still undecided about how to vote in the upcoming presidential election needs to re-read my letter.

Now having made a strong case (in my opinion) as to why all undecided Presidential voters should support and vote not only for Donald Trump but all Republicans on the ballot.

What’s to be done?

What can you do?

Or more to the point, what must you do and do quickly?

To paraphrase a scene in the movie Apollo 13, “Houston [America], we have a problem.”  And—FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

You’re receiving this memo because you’re a leader/executive of an organization, an elected public official, a generous donor, a key executive to an elected official, someone who is seen or heard, and are seen as an important leader.

In other words, you’re a mover and a shaker—you make things happen.  You see events moving in the wrong direction and you step up, get involved, and help change the course of events.

You’ve done this many times in your life.  Please set aside some time today and review the following list of ideas/suggestions as to how you can help increase the vote totals for Donald Trump and other Republicans on the ballot.

Perhaps you remember this proverb:

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For want of a rider, the message was lost.

For want of a message, the battle was lost.

For want of a battle, the kingdom [America] was lost.

And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

I’m confident you know of 2-3+ messages you can send in the next few days that will add votes to the Republican totals.  It could be that you can add more “nails, horses, and more riders,” and rescue America from becoming a one-party (Democrat) socialist/Marxist dictatorship.

  1. If you blog, take some of the message from this letter and share it with your audience.

  2. If you host a podcast, take some of the message from this letter and share it with your audience.

  3. If you send an e-newsletter to your supporters, your subscribers, your donors, take some message from this letter and share it with your audience.

  4. If you are on radio or TV, talk about this message.

  5. Post on social media, such as Facebook, X, Snapchat, Instagram, and discuss this message.

  6. Make copies of this letter and share it with your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, fellow church members, etc., etc.

  7. Forward this email to your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, fellow church members, etc., etc.

  8. Donate generously today to help get this information/message to 150 million voters via the Internet.  Click here now.  Your donation will be quickly used to get this information/message to 150 million via email, digital ads, social media, including Facebook, X, Gab, Snapchat, Truth Social.

As always, your comments, thoughts, and advice are not only helpful, welcomed, appreciated, but needed.  Please email

P.S.  Download, copy, print, and/or forward FedUp PAC’s “ready-to-use” voter education messages by going to:

You can also share them using X, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other online platforms.

FedUp PAC has videos, Democrat report cards, talking points, and a daily publication called the Lantern that you can send to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others to help educate them about the Democrats goal to turn America into a one-party socialist/Marxist dictatorship.

P.P.S.  Do you agree that we must do all we can to educate Independent voters, moderate Republicans, and soft Democrats that if the national Democrats win the Presidency and the Congress in this November’s election that they will turn America into a one-party socialist/Marxist country?

The Democrats will do whatever is necessary to never, ever, lose control of the Federal government again.

If you agree with the above, please click here to rush a generous donation to allow FedUp PAC to quickly get the information in this letter to millions of Independents, moderate Republicans, and soft Democrats via the Internet, including email, digital ads, Facebook, X, Gab, Truth Social, etc.

Voter education materials, like FedUp PAC pocket cards, videos, talking points, and other emails received from someone you know are far more effective than information from strangers like ads on TV, radio, and other media.


RICHARD A. VIGUERIE pioneered the use of direct mail marketing/advertising in politics.

Viguerie transformed American politics in the 1960s and ’70s by pioneering the use of direct mail marketing/advertising in the conservative political and ideological spheres.  This allowed conservatives to go around the liberal media blockage right into people’s homes. He used direct mail marketing/advertising to help lead, build, and grow the conservative movement, which then elected Ronald Reagan as the first conservative President of the modern era.

Viguerie is the Chairman of American Target Advertising (ATA), a 60-year-old direct marketing agency with 90 team members located in Northern Virginia. Viguerie’s company has mailed more than 4.6 billion letters for hundreds of conservative candidates and organizations and raised more than $8 billion for conservative causes.

Mr. Viguerie is also Chairman of FedUp PAC, an independent expenditure political action committee that allows him to continue to grow the conservative movement by bypassing big corporate media using new and alternative media to educate voters to elect a constitutional conservative governing majority in Congress. He is also the publisher of the conservative website,

Mr. Viguerie and his wife, Elaine, are natives of Houston, Texas, and have been married for 62 years. They have three children and six grandchildren and live in the Virginia countryside on 230 acres of conservative-friendly environment.


“Take Richard Viguerie out of the equation of the modern political conservative movement and I truly believe there wouldn’t be a modern conservative political movement.”

- Brent Bozell

Media Research Center Founder

“There are very few people who can honestly say that they have changed the course of history.

Without him, Barry Goldwater would never have been nominated for president.

Without him, Ronald Reagan would never have served two terms in the White House.

Without him, Donald Trump would never have become president.

And without the communication tools that he pioneered; Donald Trump would have no shot at returning to the White House.

That man is Richard Viguerie.”

-  Roger Stone

Political Consultant & Bestselling Author January 2024

“Viguerie is the conservatives’ Voice of America…”

- The Washington Post magazine

Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman, FedUp PAC  •   P.O. Box 1370, Manassas, VA 20108

FedUp PAC can accept unlimited individual and corporate donations.

FedUp PAC is an Independent Expenditure political action committee in support of electing a conservative Republican Congress and President.  Donations are not deductible for income tax purposes.  FedUp PAC works to BRAND Democrats as anti-God, anti-America, anti-police, open borders, school children indoctrination, corrupt, elite socialists, to help elect conservative /Republicans to Congress and the White House.

Donating is not a contribution to the campaign committee of Donald J. Trump and does not limit you in contributing to his official campaign committee.

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